Frequently Asked Questions


Q: Do you board cats?

A: As of right now we DO NOT. We would be more than happy to set up daily visits and/or a sleepover at your house so that you fur baby can remain in their comfort.

Q: Would you be comfortable walking my pit bull?

A: We are comfortable walking any dog. We are mighty! We can set up trial/test walks if you feel it is necessary.

Q: Are you able to give my pet a medical injection?

A: Yes. We are able to offer oral pills, topical meds, canine injections.

Q: Do you negotiate your prices?

A: We do not as we believe there is a lot of value in each of our services.

Q: How do you accept payment?

A: We accept cash, cheque and e-transfer. Invoices are sent out at the beginning of each month and are expected to be paid within 7 days of being sent out. Otherwise, there will be a late fee of $5/day.

Do you have a question that isn’t on this list? Contact us here!


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